[arch-general] Tbird 78.2 enable Master Password of GPG keys stored in profile unencrypted

Archange archange at archlinux.org
Thu Sep 17 06:54:20 UTC 2020

Le 16 septembre 2020 17:42:42 GMT+04:00, Severus <huynhok.uit at vnoss.org> a écrit :
>On 9/16/20 15:46, Archange via arch-general wrote:
>> Le 16/09/2020 à 12:41, David C. Rankin a écrit :
>>> All,
>>>   Just a heads up. SuSE has been doing work with Thunderbird 78.2 trying to
>>> prepare for a move to it with the openPGP replacement for Enigmail. One issue
>>> that has come from that is the realization that unless you enable a Master
>>> Password for thunderbird passwords, once you import your GPG keys, they will
>>> be stored unencrypted in your thunderbird profile. If you have never set a
>>> mater password for thunderbird before (I haven't), it looks like that will be
>>> required with 78.2 hits.
>> Or just keep using GnuPG for private key handling, which is what I will
>> be doing.
>> Regards,
>> Archange
>Would it  be backported with security patches if we did not upgrade to
>78 series?

What would be backported?

I’m saying that even with Thunderbird 78, I’ll keep using GnuPG for private key handling since this is thanksfully supported.


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