[arch-general] Why Fortify Sources are Disabled with the glibc Libraries?

Sijie Bu tombu at tombu.info
Wed May 12 13:01:37 UTC 2021

Figured it out by reading the RPM sources from Fedora. Sorry for not Googling hard enough.

From: Sijie Bu
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 18:08
To: arch-general at lists.archlinux.org
Subject: Why Fortify Sources are Disabled with the glibc Libraries?


I was reading the PKGBUILD of `glibc` the other day, and noticed that only the `glibc` programs are build with fortify sources, and the library itself is not. Is there a specific reason to do so?


P.S. My context for this question is that I'm bootstrapping Arch for MIPS r6 and is under way, I'm rebuilding glibc today and this came to my mind (I have built the entire `glibc` with fortify enabled and it seemed to work just fine, so would like to know the reason behind disabling fortify for the libraries).

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