[arch-general] Status of gnupg - time to update

Genes Lists lists at sapience.com
Mon Mar 28 14:40:22 UTC 2022

Current Arch version is LTS 2.2.32 [1].

As per the announcement [2] 2.3.4 is considered the current stable version:

	"Version 2.3 is the current stable version with a lot of new
	features compared to 2.2."

I have hazy recollections from some time back that there was a reason 
for delaying updating to current version - don't recall what exactly.

It's been a while now, and there are some nice features in 2.3.4 [3]

Also, our libgcrypt is up to date ( ignoring today's release of 1.10.1)

Any remaining reason not to update gnupg to current version?



[1] Aside - LTS 2.3.34 was released recently in early Feb of this year.
[2] https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2022q1/000470.html
[3] https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2021q2/000458.html

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