[arch-general] Qemu 7 can not be upgraded on my machine.

Matthew Dyer ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
Sat May 14 14:55:13 UTC 2022

Hi all,

I have 2 machines 1 of wich is x86 and the other is arm based. On On the 
arm machine I am using stormux which is based on arch arm.

Here is the issue.  On my stormux/arm pi400 machine which btw I I am 
writing this message on, I am unabble to upgrade or for thart mater 
remove     qemu.  Upgrading qemu or installing qemu-desktop tells me 
that there are broken dependencys.  I for the time being, have added the 
following packages to be ignored in my pacman.conf.  qemu-headless and 

I am not sure if this should be posted on the list, but could not find a 
way to resaulved this and would to get this problem.  Is there a flag 
such as allow or force of sore sort which can be used in some cases?  On 
my main x86 machine this upgrade went without a problem.  If there is a 
way to remove qemu since I don't really use it that would be wonderfull 
as well since I don't use it.


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