[arch-releng] Additional packages on Live/Install images?

Gerhard Brauer gerbra at archlinux.de
Sun Aug 2 06:14:27 EDT 2009

Am Sonntag, den 02.08.2009, 11:36 +0200 schrieb Gerhard Brauer:

> * rsync
> * netcfg

Pierre mentioned additionally:
vpnc (used by lots of universities and companies to dial into their
testdisk (great for data recovery)
screen (maybe)
dhclient (dhcpc sometimes fails)

I disagreed with:
grub2 (could/would collide with our grub-legacy on ISO or iso building,
this could be a goal for next release)
testdisk, screen  (get it via pacman)

ca-certificates are usefull for some wpa connections (and openssl)
vpnc to use some restriced networks to get internet access.

dhclient? It would not be used by aif, so only usefull by hand...

I try to add ca-certificates and vpnc on a test build...


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