[arch-releng] [arch-dev-public] Torrent tracker

Pierre Schmitz pierre at archlinux.de
Wed Aug 5 11:41:19 EDT 2009

Am Mittwoch 05 August 2009 17:31:22 schrieb Aaron Griffin:
> As of right now it's tracking whatever the archlinux.de tracker had
> (archboot ISOs mostly) and the official RC1 ISOs.

Well, they are mostly the 2009.02 isos; I just started commenting them later. 
So we only know the hashes now ;-)

> Let me know if you have any questions or issues.
> - Aaron
> PS I'm seeding the RC1 ISOs from home

Downloading should be pretty fast as we seed from at least two servers from 
Germany. (al.de and bluewind's server)

I already talked to Gerhard and we should start seeding the final ones before 
the announcement; at least one day.


Pierre Schmitz, http://users.archlinux.de/~pierre

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