[arch-releng] A question about the ArchIso system

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Thu May 20 15:52:11 EDT 2010

On Wed, 19 May 2010 00:54:10 -0400
"Keith Hinton" <keithint1234 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Do you folks start the process as soon as a "official release" is
> made from the Arch repository?

I usually take a while off after a release ;)

> I know the general process, thanks to Dieter.
> What I am so curious about is if anything can be done (while not a 
> developer) I am able, to test various things-and although most of it
> occurs in a VM, I am able to report specific feedback.
> Is it testers that the Arch-release team lacks to make the process a
> bit easier?

yes. testers and people who fix bugs and improve things.
in both archiso and aif.

> Another good question is what system does the Arch Linux team have in
> place to insure that Arch will boot on any machine?

we don't ensure anything. we handle reported problems in a "best effort" way.

> Please keep up the great work on your ArchIso system Dieter, as it
> appears that you lead that effort.
> Thanks to you, your efforts in ArchIso, including Thomases efforts to
> fix things with it, have enabled us TalkingArch Users to role our own
> snapshots thanks to ArchIso-git, so please keep up the work on that!

I don't know much about archiso.  I've been lucky to get great help
from the community (mostly Gerardo) and sometimes a dev like Thomas,
because no one else currently has time for it.

> Though if users wished to build there own Iso images of Arch Dieter, 
> couldn't they do so without needing to wait for you folks, and just
> pull in AIF, and other various packages?
> If Archiso does indeed take a snapshot of the repo as it is, perhaps
> it pulls in AIF, no matter what version that's at.

yes. you can make your own images with archiso.


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