[arch-releng] anyone wants to take over maintainership of AIF?

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Tue Aug 7 12:01:43 EDT 2012

Am 07.08.2012 17:45, schrieb Dieter Plaetinck:
>>> anyway, i wanted to do "transfer ownership" in github, but it complains because
>>> "jdodds/aif already exists"
>>> so i'ld suggest you remove your aif repo on github (of course keep your commits locally so you don't loose anything), then i'll transfer ownership.
>> Done. I'll do my best to take good care of AIF.
> i requested the transfer with github. good luck, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch, i'll try to provide feedback where I can (but you can take it in the direction you want)

At some point, I'd like to transfer the permissions to the official AIF
repo on archlinux.org. I won't do that until I see some work done
though. Until then, ask an Arch developer to pull your github.

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