[arch-releng] reply to gitlab issues 139

qinohe qinohe at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 18:14:58 UTC 2021

Hi Archiso team,

Thank you for considering my request at least.
(see) https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archiso/-/issues/139

I see the speech output should stay in second position.
I must say, if this helps blind or visual impaired people I'm the last
one to ask for it and gladly leave it like this.

The syslinux change should be possible I hope ;-)

Right now I have changed my PKGBUILD to adapt to the changes.

I have created a fully automated create Archiso script.
It can build both baseline / releng, that's why I asked for it!

The script always builds with a fresh config, would there be any
interest in it?
It's not very short, 400+ lines, it is scripted in a similar way
'run_archiso' is...

I could create a package and put it on Github, once I'm done with
testing which could take a while still.
Working on it for a few weeks now. 

Regards, Mark

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