[aur-dev] Some optimzation patches

Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack.de
Mon Apr 4 17:30:20 EDT 2011

On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 08:41:27PM -0700, elij wrote:
> Here are some patches that optimze a few things:
> - combine css for faster delivery (fewer tcp connections)
> - minimize css (faster delivery, bandwidth reduction)
>   note: originals are retained for later editing and re-minimization
> - optimize png file
> - specific image dimensions in a few places where they were missing
> - move ie specific style (archnav bg image) to a separate stylesheet
>   and include conditionally

Seems like you forgot to submit a whole bunch of patches... I only got
the PNG file optimization and the image dimension patches so far.

Imho, we should also be careful with optimizing code for the sake of
bandwidth reduction and speed. Most modern browsers have caching enabled
by default, so most of those performance improvements will only come
into operation once. I'll accept any patches as long as they don't have
an impact on maintainability. Things like merging modular files into a
single monster probably do.

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