[aur-dev] .SRCINFO: handling of commits lacking an update and in general

Peter Mattern pmattern at arcor.de
Sun Jul 26 12:48:04 UTC 2015


Considering the short time AUR 4 is in use the number of commits lacking 
an update of .SRCINFO seems to be rather high.
The resulting problem is a cosmetic one only as the actual PKGBUILD 
functionality isn't affected but only the package's web page not updated 
Yet I wonder whether it would be helpful to reject commits lacking the 
update of .SRCINFO if feasible.

Actually I wonder as well whether it wouldn't even be better to not have 
.SRCINFO written by the packagers before uploading a commit but by 
aurweb when commits are received.
This would ensure that problems like the one stated above can't happen 
and I for one couldn't figure a downside so far.


Peter Mattern

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