[aur-general] Trusted User Application

Ranguvar ranguvar at archlinux.us
Tue Nov 17 19:35:29 EST 2009

Hello Archers,

This is Devin Cofer, aka Ranguvar.  I'm writing because I have been thinking
for a while about applying to become a Trusted User, and I feel that now I
have enough basic knowledge of C, Bash, sed, and Perl to apply.

 I maintain quite a
and I'm very fast at updating them, if I may say so, going so far
as to provide my own i686 builds for use by
bin32-wine<http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=7915>when [extra]
is taking a long time between updates :)
The firefox-pgo <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=22296> and
firefox-pgo-beta <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=22919> packages
are not mine, but they were completely rewritten by me, as you can see from
the comments there.  I do officially maintain

I have sometimes contributed to [extra] and [community] work; I sent an
initial mail<http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2009-October/007004.html>to
aur-general about updating LLVM to 2.6, and worked on the PKGBUILD for
Also, I filed a bug <http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16165> for the speedup
of Vim package building, and wrote a new script to handle fetching patches,
which was much faster than the original (until another user used a better
idea to make a far better package :p).
Lastly, I have commented on other packages many times and suggested
improvements (recent example being
and I submit regular bug reports and duplicate packages -- and I'm very
active on the forums <http://bbs.archlinux.org/profile.php?id=18355>.

As a TU, I will continue to try to improve the quality of AUR PKGBUILDs as a
whole, commenting and offering suggestions, deleting duplicates, and
orphaning long-out-of-date packages.
As for packages I bring into [community], I will probably end up focusing on
development tools.

Xyne has kindly agreed to sponsor my application; he will likely reply to
this soon. Thanks very much for considering me as a possible addition to the
TU team!

-- Ranguvar

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