[aur-general] Community orphans - Was: discussion about arora-git

Chris Brannon cmbrannon79 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 07:44:54 EDT 2009

Stefan Husmann wrote:
> Hello, 
> I still cannot login to the webpage where i can adopt packages. 

Do you have a dev.archlinux.org account?
If you asked Aaron for one, then you should have gotten an email containing
your login info, I.E., username and password.  Note that your username
on dev.archlinux.org is probably not the same as the one that you use
for managing packages in [unsupported] via the web interface on
aur.archlinux.org.  It is probably the first letter of your first name,
followed by your last name (shusmann).

Hope this helps,
-- Chris

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