[aur-general] Shall I move mplayer-vaapi to [community]?

Evangelos Foutras foutrelis at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 22:14:30 EDT 2010

Hi guys,

I've been using mplayer-vaapi [1] with my Radeon HD 4200 IGP for a
couple of months now and I think it's a very useful package. Recently,
its maintainer in the AUR dropped it because he switched to libvdpau.
So, I've been thinking of adopting it and moving it to [community].

I haven't done anything yet, as I'm a bit unsure of whether I should
go forward with the move. On one hand, a binary package for
mplayer-vaapi is included in the unofficial, but well maintained,
catalyst repo [2], but on the other hand it still is a useful package
and it only has an additional dependency on libva (available in
[extra]) compared to the straight mplayer package; it'd be nice to
have it in [community].

On an semi-related note, I was also thinking of moving xvba-video to
[community] as well, but it depends on the catalyst package which has
a very complicated PKGBUILD (i.e. manual installation of every file).
Therefore, I don't have any plans to mess with that for now. :P

Thoughts? :>

[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=35321
[2] http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI_Catalyst#Catalyst.27s_repositories

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