[aur-general] TU application

Florian Pritz bluewind at server-speed.net
Sun Aug 22 14:33:30 EDT 2010

On 22.08.2010 19:49, Jaroslav Lichtblau wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 07:26:31PM +0200, Florian Pritz wrote:
>> On 22.08.2010 19:12, Jaroslav Lichtblau wrote:
>> > PKGBUILD (spampd) E: File referenced in $startdir
>> I use startdir here to generate a ChangeLog. If there is a better way
>> I'd like to know.
>> Or should I just forget that as nearly nobody else uses them?
> Oh, fast response!
> The generated ChangeLog is not included in the package, so why bothering with generating
> it to the startdir anyway? Either put it in a directory like /usr/share/doc/spampd/ or
> delete the whole line.

Okay reread the manpage and noticed I forgot to set the changelog
variable. Removed it for now.

Florian Pritz -- {flo,bluewind}@server-speed.net

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