[aur-general] Quality

Philipp Überbacher hollunder at lavabit.com
Mon Aug 23 15:31:56 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Nathan O's message of 2010-08-23 19:50:51 +0200:
> Thanks for the suggestions. I had to do
>  install -Dm 755 cdplay $pkgdir/usr/bin
>  install -Dm 755 eject $pkgdir/usr/bin
> If I remember correctly because you couldn't run make install or something,
> but I will check tonight if the eject one is nessisary.

To make clear what's wrong with this: It installs cdplay as
$pkgdir/usr/bin and then eject as $pkgdir/usr/bin. Not into, as. Check
the /pkg directory to see it with your own eyes.

Correct syntax would be: install -Dm 755 cdplay $pkgdir/usr/bin/cdplay

I think almost everyone fell into this trap at one time or another.

Good luck :)

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