[aur-general] New dev with write access to [community]

Mike Sampson mike at sambodata.com
Sat Dec 11 16:05:47 EST 2010


On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Rémy Oudompheng
<remyoudompheng at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear TUs,
> Like Gaëtan and Stéphane, I am a (French-speaking) junior Developer,
> and I was given recently access to the [community] repos. I have no
> plan to add packages to [community] for the moment, I am currently
> concentrating on checking whether Haskell-based packages are
> compatible with the next version of GHC (particularly xmonad). You can
> expect GHC7 to be in [testing] in January and [extra] in February,
> depending on the Haskell Platform schedule.

Nice! I noticed an announcement for GHC7 a while ago and wondered what
Arch Linux would be doing regarding upgrading. This sounds like a big
job, thanks for working on this.


Mike (xmonad user)

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