[aur-general] community cleanup: removal of nextaw

Stefan Husmann stefan-husmann at t-online.de
Sun Jun 13 07:46:10 EDT 2010

Am 12.06.2010 23:04, schrieb Ray Rashif:
> On 12 June 2010 23:40, Stefan Husmann<stefan-husmann at t-online.de>  wrote:
>> Am 12.06.2010 19:06, schrieb Sergej Pupykin:
>>>> On 06/12/2010 07:54 PM, Stefan Husmann wrote:
>>>>> this is a proposal to remove nextaw from community. It is not needed by
>>>>> any community package. It once was a dependency of siag-office, which
>>>>> has been moved to unsupported long ago and is still unmaintained there.
>>> I am not against removing, but as I understand
>>> http://siag.nu/neXtaw/usage.shtml nextaw is drop in replacement of
>>> libXaw. So all packages which depend on libxaw can be used with nextaw.
>> According to pkgstats not many people do so (0.13 %).
>> Cite: "Just replace libXaw.* or libXaw3d.* with libneXtaw.so.?.? and make
>> all symlinks
>> that were pointing to libXaw point to libneXtaw "
>> That means to me, the user has to manually set symlinks, an if he is able to
>> understand this and to do so, he should also be able to compile from a
> Taking the replacement into consideration, judging from pkgstats, I
> vote for removal.
> --
Okay, done.

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