[aur-general] TU resignation

Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227) ghost1227 at archlinux.us
Sun Mar 7 19:47:53 EST 2010

On 03/08/10 at 01:36am, bardo wrote:
> It's with great sadness that I feel the need to leave my position as a
> Trusted User in Arch. In the last few months I haven't been able to
> keep up with my duties, and I feel that resigning is the best thing I
> can do at the moment, since real life is taking much more time than
> there is in a day and I can't keep up with the high standards that
> Arch deserves. I'd like to thank each and everyone at the Arch team,
> this has been a fun ride and I learned a lot in these years. Hopefully
> I'll be back contributing someday, maybe not in the same way, but
> whatever. Surely I'll stick around, however, as much as my free time
> allows me.
> At the moment I own a few dozens of packages in [community], and since
> I'd like to make the transition as smooth as possible, a little report
> follows, I marked as OOD the ones which need to be updated, adopt the
> ones you like. I hope this is helpful.
> Take care,
> Corrado
> = AVR packages =
> The AVR family is badly in need of some love. The wonderful djgera did
> all the grunt work (see
> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2010-March/008369.html),
> now someone just has to take these little guys and update them. As
> with every toolchain, though, there's quite a bit to catch up with,
> and a whole lot to learn. Not for the faint of heart.
>  * avrdude (OOD)
>  * avr-libc (OOD)
>  * binutils-avr (OOD)
>  * gcc-avr (OOD)
> = PulseAudio & friends =
> These are really popular and still hope to go in [extra], because a
> lot of [extra] software could depend on them. The pulseaudio PKGBUILD
> needs some time to become friends with, not mentioning the package
> configuration, but if you stick to "stable" releases and refuse to
> patch the hell out of it as its author does in RedHat, you'll be fine.
> One open bug: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/18527
>  * pulseaudio
>  * gstreamer0.10-pulse
>  * libao-pulse
>  * libasyncns
>  * padevchooser
>  * paman
>  * paprefs
>  * pavucontrol
>  * pavumeter
>  * rtkit
>  * xmms-pulse
> = Eclipse Plug-Ins =
> Mostly low-maintenance packages, they usually just need a relbump
> thanks to my super-unreadably-duper-perfectly-working PKGBUILDs.
>  * eclipse-emf: needs to be ported to -any
>  * eclipse-gef (OOD)
>  * eclipse-mylyn (OOD)
>  * eclipse-phpeclipse
>  * eclipse-subclipse (OOD)
>  * eclipse-ve
> = {G,W}ammu =
> A couple of programs to manage cell phones. Not always the easiest of
> builds but it's been stable for quite some time now.
>  * gammu
>  * wammu
> = Gmusicbrowser =
> My favorite music player, a tricky PKGBUILD (read: do everything by
> hand) but the developer is very friendly and helpful, and incredibly
> fast to reply. Optdepends hell.
>  * gmusicbrowser
>  * flac123
>  * perl-gstreamer
>  * perl-gstreamer-interfaces (OOD)
>  * perl-gtk2-mozembed
> = Musepack =
> Upstream releases are rare and not exactly packager-friendly.
> * musepack-tools
> * libcuefile
> * libreplaygain
> = Beast =
> Hasn't seen a release in ages, but it returned active upstream a few
> months ago. Usually needs patches.
>  * beast
>  * bse-alsa
> = Other =
>  * acerhk: small kernel module, i686-only, no new releases, hassle
> free, just relbump
>  * freemind: unvaluable mind-mapper, still waiting for the much
> anticipated 0.9.0, which will most likely arrive with Godot. Easy.
>  * gnormalize: how to kill the unix do-one-thing-n-do-it-well paradigm
> in one shot. Optdepends hell #2
>  * gourmet (OOD): a recipe manager. Not that I can cook.
>  * mldonkey: a p2p app for the edonkey network, gave me a few head
> scratches for the rc script.
>  * opcion: a nice font viewer written in java, unmaintained but
> working very well.
>  * rss-glx: 3d screen-savers, usually gives a few problems with
> .desktop files. See http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/18300
>  * scite (OOD): small text editor with some nice features, could be
> more friendly.
>  * solfege (OOD): piece of cake! Frequent point releases, the
> development branch is stable, but I don't remember why I switched to
> it back in the day.
>  * stress (OOD): small unix utility, clean and easy.
>  * timidity-freepats: hasn't seen a release in ages and probably will
> be around forever. Zero maintenance, nice to have in repos. Could be
> ported to -any.
>  * vlock: small unix utility, clean and easy.
>  * wavegain: small util, optdepend for gnormalize
>  * xsensors (OOD): X11 sensor viewing util
Adopted scite, stress, and vlock... will take others depending on the need for maintainers after
others have had a chance. You will be missed, and we'll keep a seat for you should you decide
to return in the future. Best of luck!

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