[aur-general] Please orphan haskell-convertible-text

Rémy Oudompheng remyoudompheng at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 02:33:19 EDT 2010

Why not ask volunteers to join the ArchHaskell team?


2010/10/8, Lukáš Jirkovský <l.jirkovsky at gmail.com>:
> On 8 October 2010 00:13, Peter Simons <simons at cryp.to> wrote:
>> Hi Xyne,
>>  > I'm reluctant to orphan packages from the Arch Haskell group because
>>  > it's an "official" group tasked with managing Haskell packages
>>  > globally across the repos and the AUR.
>> I am sorry, but I have had this discussion on this list too many times
>> already. I don't care to discuss this topic again.
>> haskell-numeric-prelude and haskell-convertible-text are both out of
>> date. I am willing to maintain both packages. Do do that, however, I
>> need a TU to orphan them so that I can take over ownership. If that is
>> not an option for some reason, then that's fine too. Do whatever you
>> think is right.
>> Take care,
>> Peter
> +1. This topic is brought up here too many times. We should be glad
> that there still are people willing to maintain Haskell packages
> actively.
> Now the Arch Haskell has a monopoly for all haskell packages and
> frankly I don't see any advantage of it. In my opinion we should break
> the monopoly and allow the users to maintain Haskell packages too.
> It's reasonable to orphan packages which are out-of-date for a long
> time.
> Lukas

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