[aur-general] Deletion request: kyotocabinet-python3 (renamed)

Alexander Duscheleit jinks at archlinux.us
Tue Oct 19 08:46:24 EDT 2010

please delete 
kyotocabinet-python3 (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40151).
I have renamed the package to kyotocabinet-python to reflect the move
to Python 3.

The kyotocabinet packet in AUR
(http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=39143) is out-of-date for
quite some time now, and the referenced sources are not available any
more. I would be willing to maintain this packet, but I've just mailed
the maintainer today, so he should probably be given some more time to
respond before orphaning it.


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