[aur-general] How do I

Nathan O ndowens.aur at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 13:18:12 EDT 2010

On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Heiko Baums <lists at baums-on-web.de> wrote:

> Am Sun, 5 Sep 2010 02:52:55 -0500
> schrieb Nathan O <ndowens.aur at gmail.com>:
> > At this time, I am going through the
> > ophaned packages and updating them to the latest versions and
> > adopting packages(in my opinion this helps AUR out).
> And this is why I don't think you should become a TU. Your deletion
> mania was a bit too big. You asked for package deletion obviously
> without reading the PKGBUILDs and other files in the packages and
> without comparing packages enough.
> If you send a removal request to the mailing list as a normal user
> then a TU can first make sure if a package can indeed be removed, but
> if you were a TU then you could remove those packages by yourself
> without asking another TU first.
> So I don't think you should be a TU until you proof that you learned
> reading PKGBUILDs and that you deal with packages not owned by yourself
> trustworthily. I don't see this, yet.
> And I don't want my packages be removed from AUR just because you think
> they can be removed because of a pointless reason. See again your
> removal request for alevt and alevt-dvb. Packages are not the same just
> because a part of the package names is identical.
> Heiko
I can understand your concern about deletion and I will work on that area.

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