[aur-general] Dynamically evaluating md5sum value in PKGBUILD

rafael ff1 rafael.f.f1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 14:32:31 EDT 2011

2011/10/27 Maciej Sitarz <macieksitarz at wp.pl>:
> Hi all,
> I'm maintaining hunspell-pl AUR package
> (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=44331).
> The problem with the package is that the maintainer of the source provides
> only the latest(daily) tarball snapshot. The md5sum of the tarball changes
> daily and the old files are removed.
> The packages is very often marked as 'outdated' and I'm asked to update it,
> both via comments and email.
> Some users propose to use dynamic values for pkgver= and md5sum=, but I
> think it's not a good way.
> Current PKGBUILD is:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hu/hunspell-pl/PKGBUILD
> Proposed PKGBUILD:
> http://pastebin.com/bQCafYGt
> What would you suggest to do? I think the best way would be to include the
> package in extra, but I'm not sure if it has enough votes.
> Thanks
> Best regards
> --
> Maciej Sitarz

md5sum is important to verify if the file being download is the one
you (maintainer) expected to provide to the user, according to its
intergrity check. Having a dynamic md5sum generator doesn't seem to be

I liked Massimiliano Torromeo's idea: uploading tarball to other
mirror (ex: dropbox) would indeed allow you to have a real static
non-daily source tarball to be used in the PKGBUILD. This way, you
wouldn't need to upload that frequently and user would be able to use
and update to software without problem.


-- Rafael

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