[aur-general] TU Application

Philipp Überbacher hollunder at lavabit.com
Sat Sep 3 17:14:38 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Alexander Rødseth's message of 2011-09-03 18:13:39 +0200:
> Hello,
> My name is Alexander Rødseth. I'm from Oslo, Norway, am 29 years old
> for two more months and have been using Arch for a couple of years.
> My first taste of Linux was a brief acquaintance with Red Hat over a
> decade ago, followed by Slackware and then Debian for a few years. Now
> I use Arch Linux both at home and at work, and it's my absolute
> favorite so far.
> My 62 AUR packages [1] have a total of 2519 votes, where 32% of the
> votes are for packages I submitted, while the rest are for previously
> orphaned packages, that needed a warm and caring home.
> I like how Arch tries to avoid fixing things behind your back, which I
> think is evident from the installation process, the package manager
> and the love for simplicity I've found in Arch users and developers
> alike.
> I enjoy programming in Go, Haskell, Python and C, try to contribute to
> open source projects with bug reports and the occasional patch (here
> is one for Blender [2] and one for Firefox [3]). When I was younger, I
> wrote a program for drawing icons and animating sprites. [4] I have a
> wacky homepage where I experiment with HTML5 and upload small CLI
> programs as I see fit. [5]
> I'm currently employed in Hue AS [6], a company that (roughly
> explained) sells a software engine for converting sound to
> 3D-graphics. I mainly work with developing and maintaining the
> internal systems for keeping track of licenses, builds and issues with
> the code (mostly written in Python). Luckily, I only program a minimum
> of C++. ;)
> I started working with programming before studying computer science,
> and I am on a lifelong track of continuing to learn stuff on my own.
> At least one of my AUR packages has been moved to [community]
> (lib32-libasyncns, moved by Jan Steffens in 2010, only have the e-mail
> as reference) and I've contributed to at least one package in [extra]
> [7].
> I hang out and answer questions on #archlinux as often as I can.
> My goal with becoming a TU is first and foremost to help out with
> maintaining packages for the distro that I love and use.
> If I can find a bug to fix or a feature to add to pacman, or any other
> arch-centric application, I would like to do so. (Could an option for
> pacman to list all system-files that are not owned by a package be
> something?)
> I am grumpy before the first cup of coffee in the morning, other than
> that I'm generally happy, helpful and benevolent. I try to get a
> minimum of exercise and I'm in a stable relationship. I like the game
> of Go and creating music with jack, MIDI-synths and Arch, of course.
> Evangelos Foutras was kind enough to sponsor me for applying to become a TU.
> --
> Humble regards,
>  Alexander Rødseth
>  (xyproto on IRC, trontonic on AUR)
> [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=trontonic&PP=128&SO=d&O=0&SB=v
> [2] http://www.3dmodellering.no/beckmann/
> [3] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78414   (ctrl-f, "patch")
> [4] http://burn.sf.net
> [5] http://roboticoverlords.org
> [6] http://hue.no
> [7] http://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/crypto%2B%2B/trunk/

Being an audio person I've had a look at the first audio app in the list
(cheesetracker) and I'm not entirely happy with the PKGBUILD. There's
the minor thing that 'jack-audio-connection-kit' is just 'jack' since a
couple of months. While I'm happy that you seemingly managed to get
cheesetracker to build and while the 'addinclude' method is probably
easy for packagers it's a very weird way to do things. Firstly it's
an additional dependency from AUR, secondly it depends on another
language that isn't wide spread yet (GO) while the same effect could be
had without anything special (patch). To me this looks very much like an
unnecessary 'because I can'-thing that makes installing the package more
complicated than it needs to be.

Just 2c

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