[aur-general] Merge / deletion requests: weasyprint and python3-decorator

Ike Devolder ike.devolder at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 13:52:33 EDT 2012

Op 17-03-12 11:27, Simon Sapin schreef:
> Le 17/03/2012 11:15, Ike Devolder a écrit :
>> if the part sitting in /usr/bin is working with both the python2 and
>> python3 libs i would suggest the following
> It does not. Distribute creates files with a shebang of whatever python
> executable was used to run setup.py, eg:
> #!/usr/bin/python2
> We could make instead a shell script that checks at run-time which
> version is installed, but is it really worth it?

in my oppinion it is worth it, there are people around who dont want any
python3 stuff on their pc until they can move everything
now your weasyprint combined package pulls a lot of stuff, it is simple
in a way that it will always work but you have a *lot* of overhead there

so personally i would consider the following:

- have python-weasyprint with renamed binary python-weasyprint
- have python2-weasyprint with renamed binary python2-weasyprint
- have weasyprint with only a binary weasyprint which can start any of
  the previous


- have python-weasyprint only with libs, no binary
- have python2-weasyprint only with libs, no binary
- have weasyprint which can 'decide' which of the above is installed
  and run it with /usr/bin/python or /usr/bin/python2

  attached a possibility to switch to the installed version

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