[aur-general] ibus orphans in [community]

Felix Yan felixonmars at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 12:20:01 EDT 2012


Thanks for your attention to CJK input methods.

FWIK yangtsesu is currently a fcitx user and packager of openSUSE [1].
His packages are okay and updated regularly, but I'm afraid he doesn't
have enough time to maintain all ibus stuff too.

Besides, I would like to maintain fcitx stuff as I am an active user
and current maintainer of some other fcitx-related popular packages in
AUR [2], and a Chinese native speaker too.

I posted an e-mail [3] to look for sponsor August this year, and
jsteel contacted me and told me lots of useful stuff. I realized I'm
not ready at that time as I had still several obvious problems in my
AUR packages. But I would like to apply again now if applicable.

You may refer to the fcitx packaging status page [4], as mentioned in
my previous mail [3] I am currently maintaining some popular fcitx
packages in the [archlinuxcn] community repo to help CJK users, but it
would be obviously much better if they could be in [community] :)

Sorry, as I am a fcitx user and wishing to maintain fcitx packages, I
can't help with the ibus stuff.

Just a FYI: gnome-settings-daemon will depends on ibus and start
ibus-daemon automatically in the coming 3.6 series, but a user will
still have an option to choose fcitx by setting related env params
such as GTK_IM_MODULE to fcitx. There should be a clean way to do this
though I didn't find one yet :(


[1] http://fcitx-im.org/index.php?title=User:Marguerite_Su
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=felixonmars
[3] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2012-August/020104.html
[4] http://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Distribution_Package_Status

Felix Yan
Twitter: @felixonmars
Wiki: http://felixc.at

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