[aur-general] Confusing over .AURINFO usage

member graysky graysky at archlinux.us
Sat May 4 11:29:07 EDT 2013

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Lukas Fleischer
<archlinux at cryptocrack.de>wrote:

> > Thanks, I get it.  This definitely seems like something makepkg should
> > detect and handle automatically    Are the .AURINFO files here to stay?
> Note that .AURINFO functionality will not be added to pacman/makepkg,
> unless the format is extended to work with split packages and all corner
> cases that we do not care about in the AUR.
> The idea is to start with an external tool to post process source
> packages and then extend this tool, as well as the underlying .AURINFO
> format, until we get something that is suitable for integration with
> makepkg.

OK.  I haven't tested this with split packages, but the attached patch
works with a non-split one for those too lazy to manually make the modified
src.tar.gz :p
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