[aur-general] Merge request: python2-pyside -> python-pyside

danielwallace danielwallace at gtmanfred.com
Sun Sep 15 19:18:40 EDT 2013

Replaces should never be in aur packages. It is only used by Pacman when searching the repository. There is nothing that searches replaces in the aur.

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-------- Original message --------
From: Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <hugo at osvaldobarrera.com.ar>
Date: 09/15/2013  6:16 PM  (GMT-06:00)
To: "Discussion about the Arch User Repository (AUR)" <aur-general at archlinux.org>
Subject: Re: [aur-general] Merge request: python2-pyside -> python-pyside

On 2013-09-13 09:57, Bartłomiej Piotrowski wrote:
> On 09/07/2013 10:24 AM, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:
> > In recent shenanigans[0], python-pyside became a split package,
> > building Python 3 and 2 versions simultaneously.  python2-pyside still
> > exists in the AUR.  Please merge python2-pyside[1] into
> > python-pyside[2].
> >
> > [0]: https://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2013-September/025115.html
> > [1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-pyside/
> > [2]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-pyside/
> >
> Done, thank you.
> --
> Bartłomiej Piotrowski
> http://bpiotrowski.pl/

As maintainer of python2-pyside shouldn't I have gotten a notification
about this? At least an automated one from the AUR?

Also, since the PKGBUILD states "replaces=(python2-pyside...", shouldn't
searching the AUR for python2-pyside yield python-pyside as one of
the results?

Finally, why does this merge make sense? It merges two *different*
libraries into one; I maintained python2-pyside, but have no interest
in installing the python3 version, so why is the original package deleted?

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
 A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
 Q. Why is top posting bad?

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