[aur-general] AUR 4.0.0 pre-alpha

Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack.de
Mon Dec 29 21:01:45 UTC 2014

The 4.0.0 release brings Git repositories to AUR packages. You can test
a pre-alpha version at aur-dev.archlinux.org [1]. In order to submit
packages, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a new SSH key pair for the AUR. While this step is not
   strictly necessary (you can use any existing SSH key), it is
   recommended to do this:

     $ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa-aur

2. Log into the AUR web interface at [1], go to "My Account" and copy
   the content of ~/.ssh/id_rsa-aur.pub (or any other key you want to
   use) into the "SSH Public Key" field. Click "Update" to save the key.

3. The SSH daemon for the AUR uses a custom user and a custom port. It
   is recommended to add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config so
   you don't need to specify user and port each time you connect to the
   AUR SSH interface:

    Host aur-dev.archlinux.org
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa-aur
    User aur
    Port 2222

4. To create a new (empty) package base foobar, run the following

    $ ssh aur-dev.archlinux.org setup-repo foobar

5. If you want to submit changes to a package base, you need to clone
   the package repository via SSH:

    $ git clone ssh+git://aur-dev.archlinux.org/foobar.git/

   When making changes to the repository, make sure you always include
   the PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO in the top-level directory. You can submit
   new versions of a package base to the AUR by committing the new
   PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO and running `git push`.

If you spot any major flaws or have suggestions for the new interface,
please let me know.


[1] https://aur-dev.archlinux.org/

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