[aur-general] a cpan2aur, npm2aur, gem2arch like utility for Python

John D Jones III unixgeek1972 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 15:15:47 EST 2014

On 01/30/14 05:23, Angel Velásquez wrote:

> Now, for real, don't make comments like that ^, we don't want that kind
> of wars on our lists, ok?.

Ya, I thought about it for a while before sending, I am brutally aware 
of the danger of such comments; probably one of the most heated topics 
in the interwebz space; but I digress: I shall muffle my temptation to 
engage in and/or start such wars. :D I'll have a look at pip2arch to see 
if it can be leveraged to meet the needs I seek.
John D Jones III
UNIX Zealot; Perl Lover
unixgeek1972 at gmail.com
jnbek1972 at gmail.com

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