[aur-general] AUR Best Practice for New Package Upload

Nuno Araujo nuno.araujo at russo79.com
Tue Sep 16 13:55:30 UTC 2014

> Some suggestions for your PKGBUILD:
> - You could use $pkgver inside sources=() so you don't always have to
>   adjust the version number in two places.
> - You should really quote $pkgdir and $srcdir properly:
>   http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes
>   Your PKGBUILD will break when someone uses it inside a path
>   with spaces in it.

Yeah, I wrote it a bit quickly, and didn't took the time to re-read
myself. ;)
I uploaded a new version with these issues fixed, just so that stef has
a "good example" to refer to.

Thanks for the comments.

Nuno Araujo <nuno.araujo at russo79.com>
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