[aur-general] [AUR4] Single binary package for different architectures

Bruno Pagani bruno.pagani at ens-lyon.org
Thu Jun 25 12:18:49 UTC 2015

Le 25/06/2015 13:26, Martti Kühne a écrit :
> Do this:
> source_i686=("http://example.com/release-${pkgver}-i386.tar.gz")
> md5sums_i686=('ffeeddccbbaa99887766554433221100')
> source_x86_64=("http://example.com/release-${pkgver}-x86_64.tar.gz")
> md5sums_x86_64=('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')
> package() {
>   local tarball="${source_i686[0]}"
>   [ "$CARCH" == x86_64 ] && tarball="${source_x86_64[0]}"
>   tar xzf "$tarball" "$pkgdir"
> }
> This way you're making use of the feature that was introduced to
> streamline architecture dependency for metadata extraction that is
> needed for use with the AUR. If you read FS#43714 closely, it says
> basically what I just said, that the bash functions sometimes have to
> clean up after the fact that we want to be one set of metadata and the
> same in all places, on all architectures. Anything else would simply
> defeat the purpose of compatibility.
> cheers!
> mar77i

Yes, I read that, but this means that you still need a bash hack
somewhere in the end (which was my initial point in answer to Johannes)…
And the old one looks cleaner IMHO, but I agree that when speaking of
metadata, this last one is to be used.

The best option would be to get ride of i686. :p

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