[aur-general] Blob size limit in AUR4 for custom kernels

Nicolas Iooss nicolas.iooss at m4x.org
Sun May 24 09:07:01 UTC 2015


I am currently maintaining a Linux kernel with a custom configuration in
AUR [1] and when I tried to migrate it to AUR4 today, "git push" failed

  remote: error: The following error occurred when parsing commit
  remote: error: 94ed5186e25ac1d459ae13d3ab0fbccc401ff225:
  remote: error: maximum blob size (100kB) exceeded
  remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master

Indeed, in base linux package [2], the files config and config.x86_64
are larger than 100 kB (they are approx. 179 kB), so I need some kind of
trick to be able to move to AUR4 (e.g. storing the kernel config on
GitHub).  It may be the reason why no custom kernel has yet moved to
AUR4 (I tried to find some from the results of a search with category
"kernels" keywords "linux" [3] in AUR4 without any success).

How are maintainers supposed to deal with such packages which are
derived from official packages that contains files too big to fit AUR4

I have several workarounds in mind (compressing config files, storing
them somewhere else...) but would like to know which would be the best
one, so that for example all the custom kernel ultimately use the same
way to store their configuration files.



[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/linux-selinux
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?C=19&K=linux

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