[aur-general] TU application: Pierre Neidhardt

Jerome Leclanche jerome at leclan.ch
Wed Sep 30 02:12:31 UTC 2015

On 28 September 2015 at 12:34, Alexander F Rødseth
<xyproto at archlinux.org> wrote:
> I confirm that I sponsor the TU application of Pierre Neidhardt.
> While not having that many packages on AUR, his packages are pretty clean
> and he was very helpful in fixing up the latest Go PKGBUILD (upstream had
> made several changes that required the build process to change, and it was
> a pretty long and cumbersome PKGBUILD in the first place). See FS#46219 (
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/46219) for more information.
> The applicant also has several other open source contributions under his
> belt, and communicates clearly.
> I think he would make a great addition to the team.
> --
> Best regards,
>     Alexander F Rødseth / xyproto

I think Pierre would make an excellent TU.

Best of luck!

J. Leclanche

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