[aur-general] Updating MATE Packages

Sean Fennell <eadrom> eadrom at archlinux.info
Sat Jun 4 16:31:32 UTC 2016

Hello All,

A couple weeks ago I found out that Martin was no longer going to be
able to maintain the MATE desktop packages for Arch Linux [1] [2].  I
had a chat with Martin on IRC and confirmed that MATE would need a new
maintainer.  Since then I've been working on updating the relevant MATE
PKGBUILD's from 1.12 to 1.14.  I've been getting spun up with how Arch
maintains packages, learning more about the PKGBUILD creation and
updating processes, and getting set up on the various mailing lists and
my AUR profile.

The question comes now how do I get these updated PKGBUILD's to the
community?  If the packages are bumped down from [Community] to the AUR,
I would be more than happy to maintain them there.  If/when I earn TU
status, I would then move them back to the official [Community]
repository.  The drawback there is a major DE would no longer be in an
official Arch repository and would require users manually building each
updated PKGBUILD or to use an AUR helper.  Alternatively, perhaps a
current TU could use my updated PKGBUILD's to get MATE 1.14 out to the
community while I work on earning TU status and can then maintain the
packages directly at a later date.

To head off any ideas about my motivations here, I am not trying to
leverage this issue to bypass or fasttrack past any TU requirements.  I
realize I'm pretty much unknown in the Arch community.  I would like to
change that with good work.

To the matter at hand, what is going to be the best way to get the MATE
packages updated?  What is my next step in that process?  I'm eager to
get my hands dirty helping out with maintaining MATE (and other packages
as well).

Thank you,

Sean Fennell <eadrom>


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