[aur-general] Trusted User Application: Giancarlo Razzolini

Giancarlo Razzolini grazzolini at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 18:51:17 UTC 2016

Em outubro 20, 2016 15:39 Levente Polyak escreveu:
> Hi Giancarlo,
> thanks for your application and jelle for sponsoring.
> As always I want to give my 2 cents to your PKGBUILDs so you could
> improve certain points before the voting period starts.
> Please don't be scared! :)
> cheers,
> Levente
> PS: some of the blocks are copy-paste, its just lot easier this way :]

Hi Levante,

   I always appreciate input. Jelle did already provide some, and I have hunt down all the
   namcap issues I found. Since there is a lot of copy and paste, I'll reply in the same manner,
   condensing where possible.

        - I am aware that the .install file does not need to be on the sources. But If I am not
          mistaken, if it is not on the sources array, it also does not have it's checksum
          validated. Since most of those .install files run code, I have always put them on the
          sources array. I am open to suggestions though.

        - I will correct any usage of $pkgdir and $srcdir without quotes on them.

        - I fixed the download target of some packages, specially because of the github versioning.
          But it makes sense to fix all of them to do the same.

        - Main vs. VCS provides/conflicts: Will fix them to not have those.
        - the chkboot-git conflict was because the package was named chkboot-git before.
          I can safely remove that.

        - I was in doubt regarding the user deletion. In this specific instance that dir
          is the user home dir. I don't think it does create any files there though.
          Do you have any recommendation on how to tackle this one? I don't want to leave
          just an empty dir as leftover of the package uninstall.

        - I took over that package on the migration of the AUR3 to the AUR4 and, since
          there weren't new releases of that software since then, I didn't pay much
          attention to it. Will apply the suggestions.
    I plan to do these corrections as soon as possible (possibly still today, tomorrow at max).

Thanks for the input,
Giancarlo Razzolini
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