[aur-general] TU application for Eli Schwartz

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Mon Dec 18 15:19:06 UTC 2017

On 12/18/2017 07:55 AM, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:
> calibre-installer:
> - nothing i would call common to enable and start units or timers on install

I think I've had this discussion with someone else before, but my
reasons basically boil down to
1) the timer is the main purpose of the package
2) I don't use this myself, I wrote it primarily for users of "stable"
   distros and was in fact mildly surprised when someone asked me to
   make an AUR package but whatever. I guess people who are actually
   likely to use a wrapper for auto-updating an upstream binary will
   want this.
3) it's not as uncommon as you think, a quick grep through
   /var/lib/pacman/local/*/install tells me that both pulseaudio and
   xdg-user-dirs do the same (presumably because the maintainer decided
   there was sufficient justification).

> fanficfare:
> - there is an update for 2.20.0

Yes -- on Thursday! I'm catching up to that now, thanks for noticing.

> kindletool:
> kindletool-git:
> - its GPL3 license, GPL points to GPL2

Thanks, I probably forgot to check which the default GPL license was
when I wrote these, and who really re-checks licenses that basically
look okay unless they have some especially motivating reason. :D

> git-extras:
> git-extras-git:
> - can't hurt to list some dependencies it uses like gawk etc, makes it
>   work better on install in minimal environments like baremetal
>   containers. at least i would :P

base + mkinitcpio means gawk will always be available, I am loath to add
fundamental shell utilities until and unless we develop a cohesive
policy about what base means and whether it should be base-system.

Yes, I am one of those people who ascribe to the philosophy of an
implicit base group. ;)

> kindleunpack:
> - GPLv3 is not a valid common license, should be GPL3
> - package() could get a --skip-build

Huh... haven't looked at that PKGBUILD in a *while*. Those are both good
points. Especially as I typically urge others towards --skip-build myself :D

> PS: i *really* hate variables in url= just annoyance -.-*

I guess you've been looking at my vim plugin packages. :D

> PPS: good luck


Eli Schwartz

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