[aur-general] LaTeX compilation error in makepkg

Vanush "Misha" Paturyan misha at cs.nuim.ie
Sat Feb 11 10:32:00 UTC 2017

> On 10 Feb 2017, at 18:45, Bennett Piater <bennett at piater.name> wrote:
> Well yeah, I'm building in a clean chroot using the devtools
> (mkarchchroot + makechrootpkg)... :/
> My PKGBUILD looks almost exactly like what you did, yes.
> Pasted here:
> https://vps1.piater.name/commie/#xWcSmoLX
> I'm frankly stunned…
What if you stick a "set -x" just before the build() declaration in the PKGBUILD (that would generate a much bigger output, but might shed some light on what exactly is going on with your system).


Vanush "Misha" Paturyan
Senior Technical Officer
Room 120
Computer Science Department
EOLAS Building
Maynooth University

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