[aur-general] LaTeX compilation error in makepkg

Bruno Pagani bruno.n.pagani at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 18:15:58 UTC 2017

I believe this is your issue: https://github.com/matze/mtheme/issues/217

For the record, this theme is already included in texlive-latexextra
present in the repo (but obviously at version 1.1 though), and that’s
the reason why it was deleted:

So, I’m gonna have to delete once again, since I think our policy is to
not invade the AUR with each CTAN package already in TeX Live, even if
obviously the CTAN version is more recent than the one in TeX Live.

If you want to use your PKGBUILD locally, just add -j1 in the make
command of the PKGBUILD. ;)


Le 10/02/2017 à 19:45, Bennett Piater a écrit :
> Well yeah, I'm building in a clean chroot using the devtools
> (mkarchchroot + makechrootpkg)... :/
> My PKGBUILD looks almost exactly like what you did, yes.
> Pasted here:
> https://vps1.piater.name/commie/#xWcSmoLX
> I'm frankly stunned...

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