[aur-general] TU Application: Dan Printzell

Christian Rebischke Chris.Rebischke at archlinux.org
Thu Jul 27 23:14:45 UTC 2017

Hello Dan,
Glad that you like to participate. Here are some questions + feedback to
your PKGBUILDs...
> If I were to become a TU I would want to maintain all the dlang packages that
> are orphaned in [community] [3]. I would also like to move these packages to
> [community]:
> - dcd [4]
> - dfmt [5]
> - dscanner [6]
> - dub [7]
> - workspace-d [8]

Don't get that wrong, but I am wondering how much people this D-packages
really need. Do we have so much D programmers outside? I never used that
language and according to some programming language popularity board
it's not that popular. (It's not under the big 20)[1]
Additionally some of the package that you want to move don't have so
much votes nor popularity.

So I would like to know: Are you also interested in maintaing other
packages besides D specific packages? We have really a lot of orphans in

Here is some feedback to your packages:

--------------- executing /usr/bin/xxarhtna --------------------
- dcd

1. you want `#commit=` instead of `#tag=` in the source. Git tags are
variable so you need to pin it at a commit to make sure nobody changes
it after setting the git tag in your PKGBUILD.
2. You want to also pin the commit for the other source repositories. So
for each repository pick a stable commit

- dfmt

1. Same for dfmt. You want to pin the commit not the tag.
2. Same for the other sources you want to pin to a stable commit.
3. You have a space at the end of your description (sorry for the

- dnscanner

1. Same for dnscanner. You want to pin the commit not the tag.
2. Same for the other sources.

- dub

1. You want to surround $pkgname-$pkgver and $pkgver in your source with
double quotes:


2. You compile that binary with dmd.. so just out of curiosity: Does dmd
has any security features for their created binaries? Stuff like PIE?
Would be cool if you could enable that as well.

- workspace-d

1. You want to pin the commit instead of the tag.

-------------- end of xxarhtna output --------------------------------

Thats all. Thanks for your mail and sorry for the nut-picking.

best regards,


[1] https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/

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