[aur-general] Review and a bit of other help request

Konstantin Gizdov arch at kge.pw
Fri Mar 17 13:48:19 UTC 2017

Hi all,

So I have now for quite a while been the maintainer for the following:

xrootd-abi0 (this exists as a work around for other maintainer not updating
root5 (legacy and poorly supported for GCC 5+, need help here especially)

and just adopted pythia.

I've actually put quite a bit of work in some of them. With the latest
changes upstream here and there, I am planning to re-optimize the builds,
but I wanted to first ask for some input from this list and gather some

My main focus is making CERN's ROOT and it's relevant
dependencies/extensions work on Arch. I started and mainly concentrate on
root and root-extra. Pythia, XRootD, Unuran are such extensions which were
not available or broken in Arch. So I had to make 'pythia8' and
'xrootd-abi0' as workarounds. I have now finally been able to adopt
'pythia' and plan on making a major re-write and optimization. I still have
to keep 'xrootd-abi0' as the current maintainer does not really update or
fix his package when new versions/problems arise. I do not plan on making
an orphan request, as I do not want to cause trouble for people.

However, I do wish to make the current environment as good as possible for
the people that actually use it and would welcome any input from you.
Thanks in advance.

Apart from that I wanted to understand better if and how package signing
works with AUR. I tried the wiki and a bit of Google, but so far it seems
package signing is only for official repos/trusted users. I did not want to
try it out myself before getting some advice as I was afraid messing up
will prevent people from installing them.


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