[aur-general] TU application_R: Metal A-wing (a-wing)

Jiachen YANG farseerfc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 09:44:07 UTC 2018

On 2018/12/27 16:50, Metal A-wing wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm sorry, my last application was bad a few days ago.
> I (nickname a-wing) would like to apply to be a Trusted User.
> Chih-Hsuan Yen (yan12125) && Jiachen Yang (farseerfc) will be my sponsor.

Dear All,

I confirm my sponsorship for a-wing! I would also want to appologize for
the previous application letter. After that I discussed with him about
his willingness for this TU application and I can confirm his passion.

A-wing is quite active at Arch Linux CN (Chinese) community in recent
years on our Telegram group (bridged to #archlinux-cn freenode channel),
and from April 2018 as a packager for the unofficial [archlinuxcn] repo.

I saw him gaining experience in writing PKGBUILDs and fixing package
issues. In this 2018, he was quite passionate about archlinuxcn's build
server infrastructure, leading the KISS2U and KISSUI development under
the mentorship of lilac's original developer.

For some background knowledge, "lilac" is a CI-style building bot
running on archlinuxcn's build server, to automatically getting updates
from upstreams and build daily packages in [archlinuxcn] repo.
Originally lilac is only a crontab service, with building logs sent
through emails. Before KISS2UI project, packagers for [archlinuxcn] can
only commit on github and have to wait for email notifications to get
any bad results. A-wing is quite passionate about improving this
workflow, and indeed his KISS2U and KISS2UI provide the [archlinuxcn]
packagers a better tool to understand the building status.

From this experience of developping KISS2UI, I can also say that A-wing
gained a lot of knowledge about PKGBUILD building, nvchecker and
devtools knowhows in general. This knowledge will surely help him become
a good TU for our [community] repo.

About the packages he want to maintain in [community], a-wing have
already been testing `ruby-rails` related packages in [archlinuxcn]
repo. His discussion of `ruby-rails` in Arch Linux CN telegram group
with yan12125 was started from the beginning of this December, and this
discussion finally leads to this TU application. Both yan12125 and me
agree that having these packages in [community] will benefit the whole
Arch Linux, not just the CN community. The relatively low number of Ruby
packages (compared to Python ones) also made me believe that having
A-wing in our TU team will definitely benefit our community.

Besides Ruby, A-wing also showed his skills of python and javascript,
because the original lilac codebase is written in python and KISS2UI is
a web frontend with heavy javascript usage.

From his involvement in discussion on our Arch Linux CN Telegram group,
my own impression about A-wing is that, A-wing is the kind of "talk less
and do more" type of person. His discussion always focuses on the
techical aspect, and seldomly take part in any flamewars, which I think
is a precious characteristics on the internet.

Both yan12125 and me will be his sponors, and as the recent discussion
of TU application process goes, we will take part in the mentorship for
A-wing as much as we can.

I think the discussion period will begin after yan12125 confirmed his


Jiachen YANG (farseerfc)

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