[aur-general] New to makepkg, can someone have a look at my scripts?

Robin Broda arch-ml at coderobe.net
Mon May 13 14:30:35 UTC 2019

On 5/13/19 1:20 PM, Roberto Rossini wrote:
> Can someone please check if they are ok and maybe give me some feedback on
> things that I can improve?
>    - Canu - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/canu/

- please don't end $pkgdesc with punctuation
- 'canu' shouldn't be in provides=(), as a package implicitly provides itself
- 'canu' shouldn't be in conflicts=() - this is impossible
- why is there a backup=() entry for a file in /usr/bin/?
- line 26 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 32 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 37 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 40 $file may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 40 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 44 $file may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 40 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 47 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 48 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 50 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 51 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 52 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting

also, fwiw, `cd $srcdir` is a no-op as a first command in any of these functions,
they all implicitly start in $srcdir

>    - StringTie - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/stringtie/

- please don't end $pkgdesc with punctuation
- 'stringtie' shouldn't be in provides=(), as a package implicitly provides itself
- 'stringtie' shouldn't be in conflicts=() - this is impossible
- line 23 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 29 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 34 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 36 $srcdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 36 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 38 $pkgdir may contain spaces and should thus be quoted to prevent word splitting
- line 38 the license 'Artistic2.0' is a common license and does not need to be installed explicitly

>    - Diamond-git - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/diamond-aligner-git/

- please don't end $pkgdesc with punctuation
- 'git' should be part of makedepends=() as it is required to pull git+https sources
- line 55 the license 'GPL3' is a common license and does not need to be installed explicitly

> Best regards
> Roberto R.

Hope that helps :)

Take a look at https://coderobe.net/pkgbuild for an experimental (and forever incomplete) sanity checker.
It can catch some of these issues automagically ;)

Rob (coderobe)

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org

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