[aur-general] New package: disklow

Daniel Moch daniel at danielmoch.com
Mon Sep 2 14:34:52 UTC 2019


On Mon, Sep 02, 2019 at 11:31:27PM +1200, Holger Jahn wrote:

> What exactly do you mean by "install the license"? Put a copy of it into the
> package?

I spoke too hastily here. Per the packaging guidelines [1] unusual
licenses should be installed in /usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}. However,
PerlArtistic actually appears to be included in the licenses package
already, so this isn't necessary in your case.

[1] - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PKGBUILD#license

> For brevity's sake I am trying to keep it in one package, but if the
> community rules dictate to split it into PKGBUILD & source, then so be it.

I think the aurweb maintainers will have the most to say about whether
this is an absolute requirement. I think the chief concern has been disk
space requirements on the server, so you could probably make the case
here that the script can just be included in the repo.

I personally still wouldn't do this just because I think it's a good
idea to keep source materials (which could theoretically be packaged by
other distros) separate from the packaging scripts themselves.

> How do I get it to use something else than md5sum? Simply roll my own
> by using sha256sum?

makepkg -g will generate whatever type of integrity check is already in
the PKGBUILD. So just make the last line of your PKGBUILD sha256sums=()
and then replace it with the output of makepkg -g.

Daniel Moch
daniel at danielmoch.com
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