[aur-general] New package: disklow

Holger Jahn lists at loomsday.co.nz
Mon Sep 2 11:31:27 UTC 2019

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your review.

> You'll need to install the PerlArtistic license.

What exactly do you mean by "install the license"? Put a copy of it into 
the package?

> This may be a small tool, but you're not really supposed to host the
> source code in the AUR. It should be hosted elsewhere and downloaded.

The payload code is one Perl script with 1400+ lines.

For brevity's sake I am trying to keep it in one package, but if the 
community rules dictate to split it into PKGBUILD & source, then so be it.

> MD5 is old (and, some would argue, busted). Prefer SHA1, or better,
> SHA256.

I wrote a little build script in order to wrap everything into the 
package itself. The script uses

makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD

which produces the md5sums array. How do I get it to use something else 
than md5sum? Simply roll my own by using sha256sum?



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