[aur-general] New package: disklow

Khorne khorne at khorne.me
Mon Sep 2 14:56:23 UTC 2019

On September 2, 2019 4:47:08 PM GMT+02:00, Eli Schwartz via aur-general <aur-general at archlinux.org> wrote:
>On 9/2/19 6:50 AM, Khorne via aur-general wrote:
>> More importantly it seems to me that you switched url and source
>> around. The source array is used to define where to find (and
>> potentially download) the sources. The url array is just a general
>> hint, for example to an upstream project page.
>> As it stands, the pkgbuild assumes the sources to be in cwd as a
>> file. If that's intentional, carry on.
>The url points to a valid prebuilt *.pkg.tar.xz, so that's not really a
>"source" either.

Granted, it turns out that's the case here.
I didn't check the contents of the tarball but suspected as much.

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