[aur-general] TU application for Caleb, aka alerque

Caleb Maclennan caleb at alerque.com
Tue Jun 22 20:22:29 UTC 2021

Alad please also see my inline comments to Eli's later reply. I touched
on a couple of these package comments in there. I'll just skip those in
this email.

On Tue, 2021-06-22 at 15:49 +0200, alad via aur-general wrote:
> * asterisk
> - Services should be managed by the user, not an .install script.
> - You'll need to assign a GUID for repo usage, cf. 
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:UID_/_GID_Database

Yup yup, I'm aware of that change that would need to happen before
bringing it to the repos.

> * csvkit
> - Two missing dependencies. That's a big no-no.


I don't know what happened here but those packages were in the AUR and
even have a long version history. Now they were silently gone. I just

ssh aur at aur.archlinux.org restore python-agate-sql
ssh aur at aur.archlinux.org restore python-agate-dbf

Now they are back, but I can't find any record of their removal. I
tried searching the aur-requests list but don't see anything. I found
the notification email that I was made co-maintainer on 3/3/20, but
nothing about the deletion!

> * gitlab-pages
> - L33-36 looks pretty hard to audit. Does the -help output change
> often?

Yes. Every freaking release. They add and deprecate options like the
world is ending tomorrow.

> If not, consider adding a file to the repository.

Considered, and I'd much rather the scripted approach that keeps it up
to date. The alternative is a script in a comment somewhere that I have
to rememer to run on every bump outside of the regular routine.
> * programmers-dvorak
> - Might be worth convincing upstream to have a workable install
> script.

I've approached the upstream several times over the years and they
haven't been responsive. I would review this situation again and
consider forking it myself to fix it upstream anyway.

I have a derivative that I maintain anyway, programmer-turkish-f, that
uses some of the same bits, so it might make sense for me to go ahead
and fork the upstream.

> * zerobane-studio
> I can't seem to find this one in AUR?

Another "what the heck"‌ moment here. I am just seeing this has been
deleted, but I don't see any notification as to when or why.

I would undelete/repost it right now, but it happens to be caught up in
the wxLua issues that are ongoing. The upstream half fixed it based in
my report but it still doesn't actually compile using current gcc.

I'll repost this when I get it working locally but it would be nice to
have answers for why it was deleted with no notice.

> * zettlr
> - Seems very similar to marktext, why add both?

Good question. And the answer is, maybe not. But they are both poppular
and have quite a bit of respective momentum. I don't use either for
personal use (prefering NeoVIM‌ of course) but I work with several
publishing companies and do tech support for others that do. These are
both used in the workflow for people I support, hence I also have to be
able to run them both. They could both or neither be candidates for
[community], that would take some more evaluation.

> - I'd include the auxiliary files (.desktop, mime) in the repository.
> - Vendored pandoc is sad

Yes, very sad and for the record I object. I'm the co-maintainer of
this and the other maintainer added that—again. Note it works fine
without, it just isn't "upstream's expectation". I would like to remove
it again and go back to using the system Pandoc *only*. (as opposed to
a UI option for system Pandoc + vendored version. I have suggested that
if they want to follow upstream's expectations they should work on a
zettlr-bin package instead (which exists anyway) but that hasn't been
agreeable for some reason.

> I've considered switching to an AAAAAA layout. Seems perfect for 
> Internet discussions.

I just searched to see if that is a real thing. I probably deserved
what I (didn't) find.


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