[pacman-dev] [PATCH] add a structure in pacman to hold all the configuration

VMiklos vmiklos at frugalware.org
Thu Oct 27 11:29:57 EDT 2005

hi all,

one item from the todolist:

Description: Add a structure in pacman to hold all the configuration.
 pacman/add.c      |    8 +-
 pacman/conf.c     |  111 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 pacman/conf.h     |   42 +++++++++++
 pacman/download.c |   44 +++++-------
 pacman/log.c      |    6 +
 pacman/pacman.c   |  197 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 pacman/query.c    |   39 ++++------
 pacman/remove.c   |    7 +
 pacman/sync.c     |   50 +++++--------
 pacman/upgrade.c  |    5 -
 util/convertdb.c  |    2
 11 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-)

rearch it here:


also a question: would you acceppt a patch for removing the \rs from
the end of each line in the TODO file? it's rather annoying :)

udv / greetings,

Developer of Frugalware Linux, to make things frugal - http://frugalware.org

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