[pacman-dev] anoter "user vs. sudo" issue

Jeff 'codemac' Mickey jeff at archlinux.org
Fri Dec 22 17:44:50 EST 2006

* On Thursday, December 21 2006, Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino wrote:

>We could create a group named "abs" and assign it the ownership of the 
>/var/abs tree, wouldn't this solve the issue?

I did this personally on my system a long time ago.  But then again, I only 
added an abs group for /var/abs/local, and I copy directories there when I 
want to rebuild stuff so I have a cvs-clean copy in /var/abs to check back 
on.  This is the duplicate of just copying the directory locally.

    //  codemac

.: [ + carpe diem totus tuus + ] :.
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