[pacman-dev] [patch] I. deps.c/checkdeps bugfix + upgrade059.py

Nagy Gabor ngaba at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu
Mon Apr 23 04:03:59 EDT 2007

> are you sure anyone is interested in your "-slowdown" patchset?
1. See patchI; speed improved-version ;-)
2. This is a bugfix.
3. You needn't apply it [but it's hard to find much faster
solution imho (design limitation)], but at least the pactest files may
be helpful.
4. If you don't appreciate my waste of time when I try to improve
pacman, please simply ignore me instead of laugh at/brief me, thx.
[This was an answer to all your e-mail today, however I will take your
Bye, ngaba

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